Monday, February 14, 2011

Radweb - About the Company

Radweb Ltd is owned by Steve Rad and James Taylor, two University of Portsmouth graduates whom combined hold a Masters in Digital Media Marketing, Bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science, and over 10 years experience with IT and Internet applications.

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About Radweb


Radweb Ltd is owned by Steve Rad and James Taylor, two University of Portsmouth graduates whom combined hold a Masters in Digital Media Marketing, Bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science, and over 10 years experience with IT and Internet applications.

Since 2005 Radweb has been designing websites for businesses across the globe. The web, with its rapidly growing technologies, has since become a great tool for marketing and building bigger businesses with fewer resources.

Over the last four years Radweb have become a Digital Marketing specialist, both building and marketing interactive websites and e-commerce

Radweb now have a team of designers, search marketing professionals and developers whom collectively can deliver any form of business line technology, search marketing campaigns, and feature-rich interactive websites that compliments any business, engages audiences and generates revenue.

We understand technology, stay on top of new developments, and have built our business on word-of-mouth by customers who have benefited from our consultancy and expertise.

Contact us for references and check back soon for our case studies.


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