Friday, March 4, 2011


Amplify’d from
ate.  Properly
managing a separation will take the headaches out of any financial

Obtaining an absolute decree of divorce in the UK can be a lengthy process. The first step is the separation
of partners. This is normally described as “living in different accommodations” or “residing in the same home under individual

Separating is not easy, but can be done successfully if both partners are willing to cooperate.  Properly
managing a separation will take the headaches out of any financial
or asset worries and create a smoother transition for all. 

If partners have been separated for two years, a divorce can be obtained with an agreement from both
individuals. When there is no agreement, partners will need to separate for at least five years before securing a divorce. A shorter separation
prior to divorce may be allowed under certain circumstances such as adultery or unreasonable behavior. A court may also rule quickly when it is
in the best interest of children. 

When two partners decide to end their marriage, there are many things
to consider during this stressful time. Issues will need to be sorted out pertaining to money, housing, possibly selling a property and other
assets in the UK as well as childcare.

A priority during a separation is to notify those people connected to you on a daily basis such as

  • the post office 

  • gas and electricity companies

  • current schools

  • credit card companies

  • doctors and dentists 


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